Gomo Gomo Game Lodge is a private and intimate camp situated in the prestigious Klaserie Private Nature Reserve, giving you best traverse viewing. The...
Situated in the Timbavati in the heart of Big Five country, Motswari offers visitors the best of Africa - wide horizons, untamed wilderness and plenti...
Simbavati Hilltop Lodge is situated within the breathtakingly beautiful Timbavati Private Nature Reserve, which forms part of the Greater Kruger Natio...
Simbavati River Lodge is an intimate and friendly camp built on the banks of the Nhlaralumi River in the heart of the world famous Timbavati Private N...
Luxury en suite, thatched suites with air-conditioning and minibar as well as a pilot's room. Camp facilities include a lounge/dining room, bar, swimm...
Experience the real magic of Africa at Umlani Bushcamp. Our beautifully designed eco lodge is off the grid and beaten tourist track, offering intimate...